

Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business

UNINE_FSE_BA_vignette.jpgThe aim of the Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business is to train the actors of the economy of tomorrow who are competent to make relevant, ethical and responsible decisions, flexible to analyse and anticipate complex and changing situations, and capable to collaborate effectively.

New: from now on, our Bachelor programme will be strengthening and further integrating the "sustainable development" dimension into both the core courses and the elective courses. For new students, a specialisation in sustainability (from the start of the 2025 academic year) will be offered in their third year to provide a specialisation focused on these specific issues and challenges.

Economics and management are the two fundamental disciplines of economic science. 

  • Economics studies the laws and principles that govern economic activity. 
  • Management focuses on business and the indispensable tools to their wellbeing.

These fundamental courses are completed by transversal courses in quantitative methods and computer science.

To learn more: link to the Bachelor page on the UniNE portal "Formation"

  • Bilingual Bachelor

    The bilingual Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business concerns exclusively studies conducted in French and English.

    The student must meet the following cumulative conditions:  

    • Obtain the 180 ECTS required by the study programme followed.
    • Obtain at least 48 ECTS of the Bachelor studies in the English language.
    • Obtain an English language certificate from the Language Centre of the University of Neuchâtel (CdL). Skills equivalent to B2 are required for the CdL certificate. Link to the procedure for obtaining the certificate.

    Deadline: the student must submit the CdL English language certificate to the secretariat of the Faculty of Economics and Business no later than two weeks before the end of the last semester of the student's Bachelor's course. 

    It should be noted that ECTS credits acquired during the course of the Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business, within the framework of mobility or the writing of a Bachelor's thesis/internship report in the English language are recognised.

Bachelor of Science in Economics and Sport

UNINE_FSE_BA_eco_sport_teaser.jpgThis Bachelor is a multidisciplinary programme with, on the one hand, basic training in economics, and on the other hand, training in sports science and practice.

Learn more: link to the Bachelor page on the UniNE portal "Formation"

Bachelor of Science in Management and Sport

UNINE_FSE_BA_mgt_sport_teaser.jpgThis Bachelor is a multidisciplinary programme with, on the one hand, basic training in management, and on the other hand, training in sports science and practice.

Learn more: link to the Bachelor page on the UniNE portal "Formation"

Bachelor of Science in Data Science

UNINE_ba_sciences_des_donnees_vignettes.jpgThis Bachelor develops specialist skills in data science, but also specific professional skills through free courses (economics, statistics, natural sciences, humanities, etc.).

Learn more: link to the Bachelor page on the UniNE portal "Formation"


Summer Campus


26 August - 12 September

Information and registration

Bachelor in Management and Sport

HEP additional training

Programme committee