

Academic year 2024-2025

Fall semester 2024

  • 17 September: beginning of courses
  • 17 September - 11 October: course registration period
  • 20 December: end of courses

Spring semester 2025

  • 17 February: beginning of courses
  • 17 February - 14 March: course registration period
  • 18 - 25 April: Easter break
  • 30 May: end of courses

Important information

  • Registrations
    • All registrations must be saved on the IS-Academia system, plateform for the official registration.
    • Obligation to register at the start of the semester, for each course that students wish to follow, within the deadlines given by the academic calendar.
    • Registration for the course is unique, it can only be done once.
    • When the course is registered, the exam is automatically registered for the session which immediately follows the end of the course.
    • The faculty secretariat does not confirm registrations. The Sitel emails are authoritative for the status of exam registrations.
  • Prerequisites

    Some courses require prerequisites. Find out more by consulting the course descriptions.

  • Thesis / internship
    • You must register for the course and the evaluation within the session for which you wish to validate your credits.
    • August-September session: registration is not possible via IS-Academia. Ask for registration via email to
  • Outside of study plan courses
    • Registration is not possible via IS-Academia.
    • To register for the course, send an email to, enclosing an email from the programme leader or the student advisor authorising you to take the course.
  • Outside of faculty courses
    • No automatic registration for the exam is made for courses outside the faculty.
    • Registrations made outside the faculty must be made by the student him/herself, respecting the instructions and deadlines of the faculty providing the teaching.
  • Course "Computational Thinking"
    • This course is given the week before the start of the spring semester.
    • Students must register in IS-Academia after taking the course, during the course registration period of the spring semester.
  • BA -> MA: which courses to choose
    • Select one of our Master programmes, and find our recommended third-year Bachelor courses.
    • This guide will help you plan your final year of Bachelor studies to ensure a smooth transition to the Master programme of your choice.
    • See the guide.



Faculty of Economics and Business

Office B39

Av. du 1er-Mars 26

Tel. +41 32 718 1500


Student advisement

Faculty of Economics and Business

Office C48

Tel. +41 32 718 1403

Course descriptions

Academic tools

See all the tools (Academia, IS-Academia, descriptifs des cours, Moodle, Pidex, Pidho, Pidhox, Webmail)

Reading week

  • 4 - 8 November 2024
  • More details: see the Study plans