
Bilingual tandem

Who for ?

Anybody who wishes to improve a foreign language can participate in a tandem programme. It consists of a bilingual learning partnership where each participant teaches his own first language. In theory, the program is open to learn the following languages: French, English, German, Spanish and Italian; but other languages may also be provided.
Although all speakers can benefit from such a programme, we recommend that you be at least A2 in the target language and C1 in the first or second language.

What for ?

  • to establish – along with your partner – a specific work programme corresponding exactly to your needs: what should you work on, when and how often;
  • to improve more specifically your listening and speaking skills, but also your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary;
  • to get to know not only your partner’s language but his or her culture and way of life;
  • to develop a new understanding of your mother tongue, to create new experiences in pedagogy.


How ?

  • «In tandem», you meet regularly with your partner. You learn his or her language ; he or she learns yours;
  • time should be equally divided between the two languages ;
  • you choose the objectives you want to achieve and work on subjects that interest you ;
  • it doesn’t cost anything as each participant exchanges his or her linguistic expertise.



You can start a tandem partnership at any time on the online plateform https://edu.e-tandem.ch

At the beginning of each semester, the LC organises information sessions to explain about the tandem method and how to find a partner on the platform.



Conseils pour les tandems

Conseils tandem (89.82 KB)
Propositions d'activités (3.66 MB)

Tandem presentation