

Tutorial autumn semester 2024

Our tutors are at your disposal so you can improve and practice your speaking skills in English and German with a personalised feedback.

You can access the EMA anytime during the opening hours


The tutorials are held only during the semester. Tutorial hours for the autumn semester will be published in August.


Twice a week, a tutor will welcome you at the E.M.A. The tutorials are open to people who are registered in language courses at the LC and have specific questions about their homework but also to everyone interested in learning German or Spanish. The tutors will advise you on the best materials for your needs.

You can also use the tutorials to meet other learners of German and spend time practicing your speaking and pronunciation to gain better fluency in the language.

Find us

Espace Multimedia d'Auto-apprentissage (E.M.A.)
Salle D69 - 2nd floor
Université de Neuchâtel
Av. du 1er-Mars 26
2000 Neuchâtel
Tél: + 41 32 718 2943

Note that tutors are not here to offer classes but to advise you on how best to handle your language learning or answer precise questions that you may have. Tutors are not here to correct texts, do your homework or translate for you.