Why philosophy ?

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Studying in Neuchâtel

Academic excellence

Demanding, stimulating and rewarding, the formations at our institute are a real challenge. They allow you to give the best of yourself and thus lead to academic excellence. The work of the institute's students is regularly rewarded.



The Institute of Philosophy in Neuchâtel is very active in both research and formation. We regularly organize international conferences, which are opportunities to gain experience in organizing events and to meet researchers at the forefront of the discipline.

The Phink! student association is also dynamic and offers, among other things, events for the general public.



On a human scale, our institute can afford to listen to its students. For example, it is common for courses to be organized following a request from the students. Studying in Neuchâtel guarantees you a tailor-made formation.





Why choose philosophy ?

A relevant discipline

With the advent of the information age, philosophy is more relevant than ever. Economics and politics value those who are able to reason clearly and rigorously about complex problems.  This kind of reasoning is at the heart of philosophical practice.


A long-term investment

Writing fluency, oral expression and the ability to structure one's thoughts are skills universally in demand, whatever your field of activity. There is no better discipline than philosophy to acquire these skills.


By studying philosophy, you will learn how to

  • propose innovative solutions to complex problems ;
  • defend the opposing point of view at least as well as your own ;
  • express yourself clearly and in a structured manner ;
  • explain a complex subject to a non-specialized audience ;
  • read and synthesize difficult texts ;
  • write in natural language while knowing how to formalize your reasoning.


Powerful synergies

A degree in philosophy is an ideal complement to many training courses. Whether you study law, economics, sociology, information science or psychology, mastering the concepts and methods used in philosophy will give you an undeniable advantage.

For example, people with a degree in philosophy are among those who score highest on standardized tests such as the GMAT and GRE.

At the University of Neuchâtel, it is easy to combine philosophy with another discipline, even if it is taught in another faculty. For example, philosophy students can enroll in the Biology branch and the Mathematics branch offered by the Faculty of Science.


Many professional perspectives

In addition to teaching and research, a degree in philosophy is an ideal entry point for many careers, among others :

  • international diplomacy
  • senior public administration
  • business management
  • associations, foundations and NGOs
  • information sciences (libraries, archives, etc.)
  • cultural field (event organization, museum, etc.)
  • publishing world


For international students

Learn French

The University of Neuchâtel offers a linguistic framework allowing non-native speakers to learn or perfect their French. The UniNe Language Center proposes different programs, such as weekly courses, summer school, self-study, compatible with the wishes and availability of the learner.

The Language Center also offers training and learning opportunities for other languages: English, German and Italian.

Swiss scholarships for foreigners

For foreign students holding a Master's degree or a PhD, the Helvetic confederation offers scholarships for excellence for people wishing to pursue their academic career at a university in Switzerland.

Word of graduates


Jämaelle Corrado, coordinatrice du cours « Français pour tous »

J’ai appris la rigueur intellectuelle ainsi que l’amour de la conceptualisation et de la recherche. J’ai désormais la satisfaction de réaliser que les meilleures réponses ne sont ni simples, ni figées.


_DSC9698_DxO (1).jpgMarc-André Weber, gestion d'actifs et administration d'entreprise

Mes études de philosophie à Neuchâtel m’ont appris à regarder chaque chose sous un angle original, à tout voir comme je ne l’avais jamais vu. Elles m'ont apporté de la liberté en matière de réflexion et l'exigence vis-à-vis de soi qui accompagne cette liberté. 


Mathieu.jpgMathieu Racicot, enseignant secondaire II

Cette formation m’a permis d’acquérir les titres nécessaires pour poursuivre la réorientation de ma carrière. Sur le plan personnel, c’était extrêmement motivant et stimulant.


WhatsApp Image 2021-02-08 at 20.00.19.jpegRachel Prêtre, enseignante secondaire I

Etudier à Neuchâtel m'a permis d'organiser et de synthétiser mes idées. L'orientation analytique de l'institut m'a enseigné la rigueur dans la recherche, la réflexion, la rédaction, l'argumentation. L'enseignement est d'une très grande qualité. Les professeurs et collaborateurs de l'institut sont accessibles et disponibles.


Jonas Follonier, journaliste et éditorialiste

Relever des contradictions, résoudre des paradoxes, faire la liste des différentes possibilités, bien définir les choses, allier clarté et concision... Autant de compétences intellectuelles que des études de philosophie à l'Université de Neuchâtel permettent d'acquérir et qui se retrouvent dans le métier de journaliste!