

Olivier Massin, full professor, chair of General Philosophy & Institute Director.
Katrin Koslicki, professeure ordinaire, chaire de philosophie théorique
Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette, full professor, chair of Theorical Philosophy


Vincent Grandjean, lecturer
Paolo Natali, lecturer

Post-doctoral Fellows

Alexandre Declos, FNS Project “An Ontology of Production, Products and By-Products”
Francesco Franda, FNS Project “An Ontology of Production, Products and By-Products”
Fumiaki Toyoshima, FNS Project “An Ontology of Production, Products and By-Products”

Scientific Collaborators

Jiri Benovsky, CUSO coordinator


Antoine Taillard, doctoral assistant, chair of General Philosophy
Marco Marabello, doctoral assistant, chair of Theoretical Philosophy
Robin Bianchi, doctoral assistant, chair of Practical Philosophy

Patricia Sánchez Oliva, student assistant, Institute of Philosophy

PhD Students

Pauline Souman, FNS Project “An Ontology of Production, Products and By-Products”





Aitor Meyer