
Service Learning - Microbes go to school

Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that links community service and instruction to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen community service. The learning service is particularly suitable for communicating about themes of societal importance that concern both academic research and citizens.

Thus, we wanted to change the usually negative view associated with microorganisms by asking our students to present to elementary and secondary pupils what microorganisms are, how diverse they are and why this biodiversity is so important, and compare their negative side to the multitude of positive actions that they can offer to society.

Purpose and relevance of the project

This teaching activity allows university students to engage with local communities and to acquire new skills in communication to the general public and in teaching while consolidating their acquired knowledge in order to transmit this  knowledge in turn.


Our project is on the platform of educational innovations of the University of Geneva


Interview with Saskia Bindschedler and Pilar Junier in "Forum" on RTS


The Microbes went to school and won the Credit Suisse Award for best teaching!
Communiqué de presse


Read our first publication about the project in the journal Frontiers in education


Café scientifique podcast: La science en quête de dons



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