
Doctoral programmes

Many doctoral schools are organised within the framework of Latin universities and the CUSO. They offer supervision of doctoral students via a wide range of training courses such as methodological seminars or writing workshops.

In some faculties and at EPFL, doctoral studies are based on doctoral programmes and attendance at a doctoral school is compulsory.

As well as the methodological training offered by doctoral schools, attendance also give you an opportunity to meet your peers and report regularly on the progress of your work. Generally, « informal » information is also circulated (grants, recruitment procedures, etc.)

To find a doctoral school :

• at EPFL
• at University of Fribourg (in French or German)
• at University of Geneva (in French)
• at University of Lausanne 
• at University of Neuchâtel (in French)
• at Università della Svizzera italiana

The CUSO doctoral programmes

Programmes supported by the CUSO are common to university members. Organised by discipline or major field, they are automatically open to doctoral students studying in their respective fields. The activities they offer include scientific investigation and transferable methods and skills. Particular emphasis is placed on the socialisation of doctoral students and the formation of scientific communities. They do not offer grants or salaries, but reimburse a large proportion of travel expenses, meals and possibly accommodation according to the activities proposed. The programme management committees include doctoral student representatives. Students enrol directly with those responsible for the chosen programme.

The full list of the CUSO doctoral programmes includes:

Mathematics | Statistics and Applied Probabilities | Operational Research | Computer Science | Physics | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Ecology and Evolution | Molecular Plant Science | Microbiology | StarOmics | Mineral Sciences | Earth Surface Processes and Paleobiosphere | German Language and Literature | English Language and Literature | Italian Studies | French Literature | Linguistics | Philosophy | Contemporary History | Enlightenment Studies | Medieval Studies | Ancient Studies | Art History | Theology | Religious Studies and History | Psychology | Education Sciences | Anthropology and Ethnology | Geography | Sociolgy | Political Science | Law | Behavioral Economics and Experimental Research | Gender Studies