
Maîtres d'enseignement et de recherche (MER) / Senior lecturers

Please note that the terms "junior lecturer", "lecturer" and "senior lecturer" are only approximate translations of their French counterparts.

This type of post is rare and promotion is difficult without mobility. Established in French-speaking Swiss universities at the end of the 1990s, the main purpose of this post is not to prepare future academics but rather to strengthen units.

It is the only permanent intermediary staff position.

The career to date plays an essential role when applying for a senior lecturer post. The candidate must provide evidence of extensive teaching skills at an academic level and research backed up by a solid dossier of publications.

Senior lecturers are authorised to supervise theses. However, as intermediary staff members, senior lecturers report to a full or associate professor. Moreover, there is no assistantship attached to their post.