
Revamping Anticorruption Criminal Law – Strategies and Consequences (RevACLaw)

New approach to anti-corruption criminal law

This project is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement no. 864498; budget: €1,952,689)

Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Nadja Capus, Faculty of Law, University of Neuchâtel

Research Team
Melody Bozinova, PhD candidate
Dr. rer. soc. Franziska Hohl Zürcher, Postdoctoral researcher
Basilio Nunnari, PhD candidate (2020-2023)
Dr. Hannah Brodersen, Postdoctoral researcher (2020-2022)

Transnational corporate corruption represents a rising criminal activity and a severe challenge for law enforcement prosecutors. Since 2000, anti-corruption norms have been increasing, leading to multi-jurisdictional criminal procedures due to the revamping of substantive criminal law, procedural criminal law and mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. Within this framework, a hybrid model of corporate criminal justice has emerged, leading to a non-transparent and exclusive form of conducting criminal justice. The EU-funded RevACLaw project aspires to provide an inclusive conceptual scheme for the study of revamping strategies leading to the hybrid corporate criminal justice model and assess the impacts of such a model. The project will focus on France, Switzerland, the UK and the USA, using an innovative interdisciplinary method.



Capus, N., & Hohl Zürcher, F. (Eds.) (2024). Negotiated Justice in Transnational Corruption - between Transparency and Confidentiality. Basel: Helbing Lichtenhahn. link


Capus, N., & Hohl Zürcher, F. (2024). Revamping Anticorruption Criminal Law – The Making of (In-)Transparency. In: Capus, N., & Hohl Zürcher, F. (Eds.). Negotiated Justice in Transnational Corruption – between Transparency and Confidentiality. Basel : Helbing Lichtenhahn, pp. 15-47. link


Bozinova, M., & Nunnari, B. (2023). La coordination des accords en matière de corruption transnationale: l'affaire ABB. NKrim/NCrim, 2023(2), pp. 30-36. link


Capus, N., & Bozinova, M. (2023). Impression management in corporate corruption settlements: The storied self of the prosecutorial authority. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice (73). link 


Capus, N., & Nunnari, B. (2022). Les faits établis par des accords étrangers et des rapports internes - une base valide pour une décision pénale suisse ? sui generis, 4(2022), pp. 193-201. link


Capus, N., & Brodersen, K. H. (2022). Negotiating without the victim state: the exclusiveness of anti-corrutpion settlements. Journal of Financial Crime, 29(4), pp. 1249-1268. link