
William Edwards

William Edwards is a doctoral assistant who joined the University of Neuchâtel in 2021. He is writing a dissertation on Lord Byron’s attitudes toward radical politics, and co-teaches the first year Introduction to Literature course.

William received his BA from King's College London. In 2019-20 he was a Clarendon scholar at the University of Oxford.



“Review: Don Juan: The Liberal Epic of the Nineteenth Century”, Keats-Shelley Review 38.1 (2024), 68-70.

“Keats’s Endymion and Elizabethan Minor Epic.” SPELL 43 (2023), 169-79. 


"Byron and Description." Newstead Abbey Byron Conference, 2024.

"The 'many-headed multitude' and the 'hundred-handed senate': Byron's rewriting of Coriolanus." Newstead Abbey Byron Conference, 2023.

"'The whiskered votary of Waltz and war': European Battlefields and English Ballrooms in Byron's The Waltz." British Romanticism and Europe Conference, Monte Verità, 2022.



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