
Suzana Zink


Suzana Zink obtained her PhD in English Literature from King’s College London in 2013. She also holds a Master’s degree in English, French and Education Sciences, as well as the Cambridge CELTA. Her research interests centre on modernist women writers, in particular Virginia Woolf and May Sinclair, life writing and spatial issues in modernism, London narratives and Virginia Woolf’s London. Her monograph Virginia Woolf’s Rooms and the Spaces of Modernity was published by Palgrave USA in 2018.

Conferences and Publications

Virginia Woolf's Rooms and the Spaces of Modernity, Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies, Palgrave USA, 2018.



‘“Miss Sinclair’s Sparkles”: May Sinclair in Contemporary Newspapers.’ May Sinclair in Her Time: Reappraising May Sinclair’s Role in Early-Twentieth-Century Literature and Philosophy. Eds. Leslie De Bont, Isabelle Brasme and Florence Marie. Presses Universitaires de la Méditeranée, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, Montpellier, 2024.



‘Virginia Woolf’s Topographies of the Mind’. Metafore della mente tra letteratura e linguistica. Eds. Francesca Montesperelli and Jodi L. Sandford. Aguaplano, Perugia, 2022. (The collection features the Italian translation of the article.)



‘Renegotiating Home and Away in Virginia Woolf’s The Voyage Out.Fashioning England and the English: Literature, Nation, Gender, eds. Orgis, Rahel and Matthias Heim, Palgrave USA, 2018.



Review of Ann Banfield, The Phantom Table: Woolf, Fry, Russell and the Epistemology of Modernism. European Journal of English Studies, 13.1 (2009): 123-125.



‘Fostering Transparency: A Swiss Experiment on the Use of AI Tools in Written Assignments’ (Co-authored with Sara Cotelli-Kureth and Elizabeth Paliot). XVIII CercleS Conference, 12-15 September 2024, Durham University.

‘“Miss Sinclair’s Sparkles”: May Sinclair in Contemporary Newspapers. Networking May Sinclair / Les réseaux littéraires de May Sinclair, 24-25 June 2021, University of Nantes.

Keynote address: ‘“Night and Day is Dead” – Long Live Night and Day:
Spaces of Memorialisation and the Burden of Literary Geography.’ One Hundred Years of Night and Day (One-day symposium celebrating the centenary of Virginia Woolf’s 1919 novel), 26 October 2019, University of Westminster, London.

‘Turn-of-Century Rooms and the Pull of Modernity in Virginia Woolf’s Night and Day and The Years.’ Modernism in the Home, 1-2 July 2019, University of Birmingham.

“‘Thinking Peace into Existence”: War and Remembering in Woolf’s A Sketch of the Past.’ Virginia Woolf, Europe and Peace: The 28th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf, 21-24 June 2018, University of Kent.

‘The Sickroom and the Portrait: Negotiating Victorian Legacies in Virginia Woolf’s The Years.’ Crossing the Line: Affinities Before and After 1900, An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference. 28-29 January 2010, University of Liverpool.

‘Spatial Categories in Woolf’s Fiction.’ Theory after ‘Theory’: Conférence universitaire de la Suisse occidentale, 25-26 May 2007, University of Geneva.

‘Negotiating Female Freedom: Spatial Boundaries in Woolf’s Night and Day.“Woolfian Boundaries”: 16th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf, 22-25 June 2006, University of Birmingham.


Member of BAMS (The British Association for Modernist Studies)

Member of VWSGB (The Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain)

Member of SAUTE (The Swiss Association of University Teachers of English)

Member of CERCLES (The European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education)



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