Research Projects
European training network for in situ imaging of dynamic processes in heterogeneous subsurface environments (ITN Enigma)
A state of the art UAV system for hyperspectral, thermal and LIDAR mapping
Impacts of climate change on groundwater and low water conditions in Switzerland
The aim of this research project is to quantify the sensitivity of Swiss river basins to droughts under changing climatic conditions. The objective is to better understand the role of groundwater and its interaction with surface water under low flow conditions. Once the (hydro)geological units and basins characteristics (geomorphology, soil, land use, etc) relevant for low flow generation are identified, hydrological models can be improved. In a more general approach, the project also aims to develop drought sensitivity indicators for Swiss river basins based on their geological, hydrogeological and topographic properties. A selection of 59 Swiss watersheds are investigated, as well as two catchments in detail: the Röthenbach River basin (Emmental), and the Langeten River basin.
Funded by BAFU - Bundesamt für Umwelt (Switzerland), project title: "Auswirkungen der Klimaänderung auf das Grundwasser und Niedrigwasserverhältnisse in der Schweiz"
Collaborators: Prof. Philip Brunner, Prof. Daniel Hunkeler, Claire Carlier (PhD Student)
In collaboration with University of Zürich and University of Freiburg (Germany)
Start 2013
Hydrogeological investigations of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System in Northern Chad- a Baseline study for a sustainable amnagement
Collaborators: Marie-Louise Vogt (PhD Student)
In collaboration with UNITAR-UNOSAT Project ResEau
Start 2015
Real-time management of surface water groundwater interactions
The watershed of the river Emme, located in the Emmental, Canton Berne in Switzerland, is used as a study site for the implementation of real time modeling methods in order to predict the development of groundwater storage. The Emmental is of particular interest for the Swiss capital Berne due to the direct use of groundwater of the Emmental for the city’s drinking water supply. Modern real-time measurement systems in the Emmental allow sequential updating of model state; a method that is commonly applied in the fields of meteorology and oceanography, but is relatively new to the field of surface water-groundwater interaction
Collaborators: Prof. Philipp Brunner, Prof Daniel Hunkeler, Oliver Schilling (PhD Student)
In collaboration with EWB - Energie Wasser Bern
start 2012
Third Rhône correction
In 2000 the Walliser authorities launched the third Rhône correction project (Wallis, Switzerland). This project aims to redesign the streambed of the Rhône River (widening and/or lowering) in order to avoid massive damage (up to 10 milliards of swiss francs) in case of 100-year floods. The city of Sion (capital of the canton of Wallis) required a particular attention with respect to the impact of the third Rhône correction project on its underground water resources. The establishment of fully integrated surface water and groundwater hydrogeological numerical models allows to simulate and analyze the consequences of the alterations of the streambed on the groundwater resources of the canton.
Collaborators: Prof Philipp Brunner, Prof Pierre Perrochet, Guillaume Gianni (PhD Student)
In collaboration with: Service des routes et cours d'eau Etat du Valais-3ème correction du Rhône / Rovina + Partner AG
Start 2012
Hyperspectral imaging for mineralogical identification
Philip Brunner, Philippe Renard, Thomas Südmeyer, Pascal Felber
Start 2013
Spatio-temporal controls of hydrogeological mechanisms causing landslides
Philip Brunner, in collaboration with K.Kukemilks, Lativa; Fonds: Sciex
Start 2014
Ecosystems engineers contribution to soil structure in floodplains
In collaboration with C. le Bayon; EPFL, EAWAG; Fonds: SNF
Start 01.01.2015