Doctorate / Ph.D
Ph.D research
The CHYN hosts around 20 PhD students funded by various sources such as the Swiss National Science Foundation, European projects, the University of Neuchâtel or private companies. PhD theses projects have a typical duration of 3-4 years. Information about PhD possibilities can be obtained from the heads to the different research labs.
Candidates have to check if they meet our entry requirements :
- hold a Master's degree or a degree considered equivalent ;
- be eligible to a Ph.D in the country where they have graduated.
If you satisfy these requirements :
- find on our website the name of the professor in the research domain in which you plan to make your thesis ;
- send this professor a complete file directly by email: a letter of motivation + a CV + copies of your titles and grades + if possible 1 or 2 letters of recommandation (please kindly send all the documents in a single PDF file).
If the professor agrees to be your thesis director, he/she will provide you with an official letter stating his agreement to take you under his/her direction. Then, you will have to take this letter to our Service des immatriculations de l'Université de Neuchâtel (our University inscription office, avenue du 1er Mars 26, 2000 Neuchâtel) to be registered as a Ph.D. student in our University.
The regulations for Ph.D studies are defined in Règlement de la Faculté (Regulations of the Faculty).
A cotutelle de thèse is a doctoral project that is carried out within the framework of a formalised agreement between two universities (a Swiss and a foreign university). Cotutelle de thèse projects entail the following: preparation of the doctoral thesis under the joint direction of two supervisors; a reasonable distribution of the time spent by the doctoral candidate at each institution; a joint defence of thesis; the awarding of a joint diploma or of two separate diplomas with a reference to the cotutelle de these cooperation with the partner university.
Cotutelle de thèse agreements are established by: students mobility service
Find out about the procedure concerning the submission of your thesis on the website of the University Library .
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