Field research equipment
The CHYN disposes of all the major equipment required for field research in the field of hydrogeology and geothermics. These include geophysical instruments, pumps, instruments for online tracer measurement, extensive data logging systems for various physical and chemical parameters, and meteorological stations.
In collaboration with the EAWAG, the CHYN also uses extensively direct push methods to measure subsurface properties and install dense piezometer network. Recently, the CHYN has developed a new multilevel sampler specifically adapted to coarse alluvial deposits and formations with strong contrasts of hydraulic conductivity.
Geophysical equipment
Field research sites
The CHYN maintains several highly equipped field sites for research and teaching. The main field sites are:
- the Allaine valley, Canton of Jura: " une journée de terrain aux côtés de futures hydrogéologues "
- the Upper Emmental, Canton of Berne. At the Emmental site meteorogical conditions, soil moisture, surface water discharge rates and groundwater levels are continuously monitored to better understand soil-groundwater and surface water-groundwater interactions in a peri-Alpine region.
multi-level sampler
field fluorometer for tracer tests