
Livia Tomas

"Ageing Transnationally: A Comparative Analysis of Transnational Mobilities in Old Age"

Thèse acceptée le 28 août 2023 avec la mention « summa cum laude » à l’unanimité du jury :

Prof. Mihaela Nedelcu, Professeure titulaire, Université de Neuchâtel (co-directric de thèse)

M. Eric Crettaz, Professeur HES associé, Haute école de travail social, HE-GE

Mme Basak Bilecen, Professeure associée, Université de Groningen

Mme Oana Ciobanu, Professeure HES ordinaire, Haute école de travail social et de la santé, Lausanne

Biography & PhD Thesis

Since January 2019, I am working as a PhD Candidate for the project “Transnational Ageing: Post-Retirement Mobilities, Transnational Lifestyles and Care Configurations”, which is part of the second phase of the nccr – on the move. The objective of this project is to investigate forms and dynamics of post-retirement migration and transnational mobilities as well as to trace the transformation of the different regulatory regimes, which shape such mobilities. Overall, this project will increase the understanding of the challenges that transnational processes raise for migration and welfare regimes and answer the following research questions:

  1. What emerging transnational mobility patterns do retirees deploy and what drives them?
  2. What kind of transnational lifestyles do they develop and what social dynamics do post-retirement mobilities generate?
  3. What consequences do post-retirement mobilities have on local communities and social policies in destination countries?

Before joining the Institute of Sociology at the University of Neuchâtel, I was enrolled in the master programs “Culture, Politics and Religion in Pluralist Societies” and “Gender, Society, Social Policy” at the University of Fribourg. My master thesis focused on the asylum practice revision implemented in June 2016, which started a process of increasing legal insecurity for Eritrean refugees in Switzerland.

Research Interests

  • Sociology of migration
  • Transnationalism
  • Border regimes
  • Social policies
  • Gender studies

Doctorante FNS


Institut de sociologie
Faubourg de l'Hôpital 27
2000 Neuchâtel

Bureau 204
Tél. +41 32 718 14 13
Courriel Livia Tomas