
Prospective students

Each CAS-ICM study programmes is targeted towards students and professionals in agricultural or environmental management who hold a Bachelor's degree, or have adequate professional training and at least three years of relevant professional experience. The courses are relevant to individuals in agricultural service provision, research, education, agro-input supply and regulation. The topics addressed in this online course are of global relevance and candidates are welcome from any country.

To reach individuals around the world regardless of their financial status, the course co-organisers are working with sponsors to make competitive individual scholarships available to cover registration fees for some participants. Depending on the source of funding, eligibility criteria (focus countries, involvement in specific sectors or programmes, target age groups, etc.) might have to be applied. Please see the "Fees and scholarships" page for more information.


Become a change agent in your field of activity:

  • Agricultural advisors and other service providers: to support farmers finding integrated measures to address the needs in a particular farm situation
  • Post-graduates: to acquire specific knowledge and skills for an academic or other career ina an international agricultural context
  • Researchers: to identify and address knowledge and skills gaps for local ICM implementation
  • Teachers: to disseminate knowledge and skills anchoring good practices for coming generations
  • Industry professionals: to analyze their work environment and improve safety and quality of produce and advice
  • Policy makers: to improve the political environment, conducive for innovative and sustainable approaches to food production

The advantage of online learning

The online, part-time format allows participants to continue their professional work. This means that they can directly apply academic knowledge and technical skills in their work environment week by week.

Additional advantages of this learning approach include:

  • becoming familiar with and developing skills in using digital learning and communication tools
  • continuous personalized and professional support from the course tutors
  • a networking opportunity to share knowledge and experiences with other participants from around the world
  • flexibility in managing time, working at your own pace to some extent to improve work-life-balance
  • improved access to high quality scientific information through online platforms




