Internal Market Law of the EU
The course addresses the ʻfour fundamental freedomsʼ which form the cornerstone of the EU integration: the free movement of goods, persons (workers, EU citizens, third-country nationals), services and capital. It considers the substantive law governing the EU internal market and, to a lesser extent, its bilateral extension to Switzerland. This will be achieved by first discussing the basic Treaty rules (and the related provisions in the EU-CH bilateral agreements) and the case law of the Court of Justice. Attention will also be paid to the impact of positive harmonisation measures through key EU secondary legislation, on the basis of specific issues, such as technical barriers to the free movement of goods, recognition of diplomas, free movement of EU citizens, the services directive and the protection of posted workers.
Class schedule
Fall semester, Tuesdays 8:30-10:00 AM (Room C 43) and 2:15-4:00 PM (Room C 52).
Alternative evaluation as described in the Annex. Mid-term exam (2 hours) and final exam (2 hours) each count for 50% of the grade. Moreover, grade is raised to reflect a student’s positive contribution to class discussion. Both exams are closed book; that means that students may only rely on legislation (in paper form). Computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices, as well as watches, are forbidden during the exams. Possession of an electronic device (even switched off) during the exam is considered as cheating. Additional logistical information is provided in the course outline. In case of failure, the retake is an oral exam (15 minutes + preparation time).
Teaching and study materials
Syllabus, reader, course materials and additional information regarding the precise topics of the lectures and how to prepare for them are provided on the Moodle course website. Coursepack and book shall be purchased from ANED or from bookstore.