
Julie Lacroix

Maître-assistante en méthodes quantitatives

Julie Lacroix is a Lecturer (Maître-assistante) at the Laboratory for the Study of Social Processes at the University of Neuchâtel since 2024. She teaches statistics applied to the social sciences. Julie holds a PhD in Demography from the University of Geneva and an MA from the University of Montreal. Before joining the University of Neuchâtel, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of St Andrews and a member of the MigrantLife project. Using population registers and longitudinal quantitative methods, her research focuses on international migration dynamics and residential mobility from a life course perspective. She also uses experiments to investigate the mechanisms of discrimination in the housing market.

List of publications

Peer reviewed articles:

Lacroix, J., Mikolai, J., & Kulu, H. (2024). Intermarriage and housing upon separation. A matter of resources and bargaining power? Journal of Marriage and Family. 86(4): 988-1008. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12985

Lacroix, J., Mikolai, J. & Kulu, H. (2024). On the Timing of Marriage and Childbearing: Family Formation Pathways Among Immigrants in Switzerland. European Journal of Population 40(14):1-32. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10680-024-09702-w

Lacroix, J., & Bertrand, A-L. (2024). From Collective Centres to Private Accommodation: Housing Trajectories of Asylum Migrants in Switzerland ». Housing Studies, 1‑20. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2024.2344856.

Lacroix, J., Didier R. & Zschirnt E. (2023). Discrimination Driven by Variation in Local Conservatism: Evidence from a Nationwide Field Experiment. European Sociological Review. 39(3):464–478. https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcac051

Lacroix, J., Gagnon, A., & Wanner, P. (2020). Family changes and residential mobility among immigrant and native-born populations. Demographic Research 43 (2020): 1199-1234. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26967838

 Lacroix, J., & Zufferey, J. (2019). A life Course Approach to Immigrants’ Relocation: Linking Long- and Short-distance Mobility Sequences. Migration letters, 16 (2), 283-300. https://doi.org/10.33182//ml.v16i2.683

Lacroix, J., & Vidal-Coso, E. (2018). Differences in Labor Supply by Birthplace and Family Composition in Switzerland: The Role of Human Capital and Household Income. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 1–26. https://doi.org//10.1007/s12134-018-0623-8

 Lacroix, J., Gagnon, A., & Lortie, V. (2017). A l’intersection du genre et de l’origine nationale : quels sont les parcours professionnels des immigrants sélectionnés au Québec ? Population, 72(3), 435–462. https://www.cairn.info/revue-population-2017-3-page-435.htm


Research reports:

Schumacher, R., Moreau, A., & Lacroix, J. (2021). Perspectives démographiques pour le canton de Vaud. Statistique Vaud. https://www.vd.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/organisation/dfin/statvd/Publications/Autres/2021-2050_Persp-popul_VD_rapport.pdf

Auer, D., Lacroix, J., Ruedin, D., and Zschirnt, E. (2019). Ethnische Diskriminierung auf dem Schweizer Wohnungsmarkt. Grenchen: Bundesamt für Wohnungswesen.
(Publication available in GermanFrench, and Italian)



Université de Neuchâtel
Maison d’analyse des processus sociaux (MAPS)
Rue A.-L. Breguet 1
2000 Neuchâtel

bureau 304.3 (3ème étage)
Tél. +41 32 718 1571
