
Modality in historical stages: methods and resources for investigating modality

International conference on Modality in historical stages: methods and resources for investigating modality


The international conference Modality in historical stages: methods and resources for investigating modality aims at bringing together researchers working with different methodologies and resources on modality in historical stages. In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the number of resources and methods that can be used to answer a research question. The colloquium aims to take stock of the choices related to both resources and methods, addressing questions such as:

How is methodology shaped by extant resources?

How are resources selected, adapted or set up in light of research questions?

Which tools can be useful in exploring resources such as corpora and databases?

The conference will thus provide a better understanding of the issues related to the choice of resources and methods for a research question as well as a less fragmented view of these, given the abundance of tools and corpora currently available to researchers.


Fees: 50 CHF (inscription, coffee breaks, lunch) + 50 CHF for the social dinner (on enrolment)

Register here (closing date for registration 1 November)


Languages of the conference: French and English


Conference date: 14-15 November 2022 in Neuchâtel



Invited speakers:

  • Philippe Bourdin (University of York, Canada) Préverbation de ‘venir’ et déonticité : à propos du devenir de (it) becomes en anglais et de quelques autres parcours au-delà de la romanité
  • Olav Hackstein (University of Munchen), Historical and synchronic dimensions of modality: conservatism and lability
  • Elisabetta Magni (University of Bologna) At the interface between modality and discourse marking: the history of Italian chessò 


Scientific committee: Martin Becker (Cologne), Patrick Caudal (Paris 7, CNRS), Agnès Celle (Paris 7), Martin Hilpert (Neuchâtel), Tanja Mortelmans (Antwerp), Evelyne Oppermann-Marsaux (Paris, Sorbonne Nouvelle), Adeline Patard (Caen), Rea Peltola (Caen), Elena Smirnova (Neuchâtel)



  • Chair of historical linguistics and chair of French linguistics
  • Institut des sciences du langage at the University of Neuchâtel
  • Swiss National Science Foundation of Scientific Research
  • University of Neuchâtel


Cancellation policy

Up to 30 days (October 15) before the conference, cancellation is free of charge.

Up to 10 days (November 4) before the conference 50% of the amount will be refunded.

No refunds will be processed after this date.


Opening of registration: October 1, 2022

Closing date: November 1, 2022

Register here



For accommodation in Neuchâtel

Tourist office




The conference will take place at the Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, Espace Tilo-Frey 1 in Neuchâtel.




For more information, please contact: modhista2022@gmail.com