
Integrating Open Research Data practices in your research

28 May 2024 (1/2 Day)


8 am-12 am (Room B 104)

Speaker: Quentin Gallis, Data Steward, UniNE


In the Open Science practices context, researchers are expected to adjust their practices to new demands from funding agencies, recruiters and journal editors. Young researchers in particular will have to integrate and master all matters related to the management, preservation, reproducibility and sharing of their research data in their research practices, in addition to the other skills they will develop during their PhD journey.

This half-day workshop aim is to provide PhD students with an introduction to the tools and concepts to integrate efficiently Open Research Data practices in their work. It will explain the causes and ideas behind the Open Science movement, what is expected from them, and how to practice ORD in the best and simplest ways, both for science and for the progression of their own careers.

We will address the following questions:

  • As a researcher, what are my obligations?
  • As a researcher, how do I handle these obligations in my worktime?
  • As a researcher, how do I use ORD for my career?


08:00-08:30 Introduction

  • The Open Science movement
  • Open Research Data
  • Open Science Actors at UniNE
  • ORD Support at UniNE

08:30-09:00 Open Research Data fundamentals

  • What is considered data?
  • The Data Lifecycle
  • Metadata & documentation
  • The FAIR principles
  • Diversity of sensitive data

09:00-10:00 Open Research Data in practice (part I)

  • Legal obligations & careers considerations
  • The Data Management Plan

10:00-10:20 : Coffee break (Eat Eco)

10:20-11:20 : Open Research Data in practice (part II)

  • Managing data during the project
  • Preparing data for preservation and sharing: data curation
  • Preparing data for preservation and sharing: documentation
  • Choosing a data repository


Registration here


Deadline for registration:24.05.2024


Credit category: R

Credits: 0.25