
Image treatment and Analysis in Microscopy-Part I

6-7 June 2024

Venue: University of Geneva, Science III, room 0059

Instructor: Dr. Sylvain Loubéry, UNIGE


Images produced in microscopy need to be treated adequately so that they can be exploited. In many instances, measurements and quantifications can (and should) be performed on these images.

The objective of the course is to give participants keys to perform these operations as efficiently as possible, focusing on the use of the open-source software Fiji.

This course is accessible to beginners.
The pre-requisites are to have (even minimal) experience in microscopy
, and to come to the course with a laptop that can run Fiji (i.e. not extremely outdated and with at least 2GB of RAM).

It includes short lectures and guided exercises on the following topics:
• ethics in image manipulation
• processing and presentation of images
• measurements
• colocalization analysis
• segmentation
• writing macros to (semi-)automate processing steps.

> This year A SECOND and more PRACTICAL part for those who wish to deepen the subjet follow this first day of course.
This second part is for more experienced PhD Students and it consists in an informal "image analysis café" aiming at finding solutions to problems encountered by the participants in their research projects.

REGISTRATIONS ARE COLLECTED SEPARATELY. If you wish to register also to the second part of this workshop, please visit this page.



Image Treatment and Analysis in Microscopy - Part II 7th June 2024 - “Image Analysis Café“

This activity is a follow-up of the Image Treatment and Analysis in Microscopy - Part I taking place the previous day.
Only students registered to the Part I have access to this second part of the activity.

This second day (half a day, afternoon) of the course consists in an informal "image analysis café" aiming at finding solutions to problems encountered by the participants in their research projects.

General information

Registration fee: free

Travel expenses: Travel expenses covered by DSLS (return ticket to Geneva on the basis of a 2nd class half-price ticket)



Registration to part I (6 June): here


The registration applies for the Image Treatment and Analysis in Microscopy - Part I

- Maximum number of participants: 12 people (minimum 6)
- 6 places available for CUSO MPS students, 6 places available for DSLS students
- A waiting list will be prepared to ensure that there are no empty seats

Deadline for registration: 26.05.24

*For cancellations after the deadline of registration or no-show: 50 CHF administrative fee


Registration to part II (7 June): here


The registration applies for the Image Treatment and Analysis in Microscopy Part II - "Image analysis café".
Only students registered to the Image Treatment and Analysis in Microscopy Part I have access to this second part of the activity.

- Maximum number of participants: 6 people
- 3 places available for CUSO MPS students, 3 places available for DSLS students
- A waiting list will be prepared to ensure that there are no empty seats

Deadline for registration: 26.05.24

*For cancellations after the deadline of registration or no-show: 50 CHF administrative fee



Credits: 1.0 (for doing part I and part II), 0.5 (for doing only part I or part II)

Category: Research tools (R)