Transdisciplinary Institute in Social Work (ITTS)



The Transdisciplinary Institute of Social Work (ITTS), supported by swissuniversities, opened on February 1st, 2022. The University of Neuchâtel and the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO) have decided to join forces to create a doctoral programme in social work and to develop the ITTS as a national centre of competence in social work education and research. 


youtube_icon.png Presentation of the ITTS by its director, Prof. Barbara Waldis.



youtube_icon.png  Presentation of Marta Marques Castanheira, Research and Teaching Assistant



PhD Students

Jeremias Amstutz
Supervisors: Prof. Emmanuelle Reuter (UniNE) & Prof. Peter Zängl (FHNW)
Working title: Exploring the Employees Rights of Participation in Self-Managing Social Work Organizations in Switzerland.

Daniele Bigoni
Supervisors: Prof. Philip Balsiger (UniNE) & Prof. Daniel Gredig (FHNW)
Working title: Heteronormativität und sexuelle Gewalt im Justizvollzug und die Rolle der Sozialen Arbeit.

Lorry Bruttin
Supervisors: Prof. Jérémie Forney (UniNE) & Prof. Caroline Henchoz (HETSL)
Working title: Le passage à la retraite dans le contexte de l'agriculture de montagne en Valais: un observatoire des vulnérabilités pour le travail social.

Romain Descloux
Supervisors: Prof. Laure Kloetzer (UniNE) & Prof. Stéphane Rullac (HETSL)
Working title: Répondre au sentiment de stigmatisation des jeunes en mesure d'insertion socio-professionnelle.

Nicole Eicher

Supervisors: Prof. Barbara Waldis (UniNE) & Prof. David Lätsch (ZHAW)
Working title: upcoming

Damaris Fischer
Supervisors: Prof. Emmanuelle Reuter (UniNE) & Prof. Tobias Fritschi (BFH)
Working title: upcoming

Melanie Germann
Supervisors: Prof. Cinzia Dal Zotto (UniNE) & Prof. Peter Zängl (FHNW)
Working title : Gewinnung und Bindung der neuen Generation von Arbeitnehmenden: Der Fall der Sozialarbeit.

Marta Marques Castanheira

Supervisors: Prof. Barbara Waldis (UniNE) & Prof. Milena Chimienti (HETS-GE)
Working title: Immigrer pendant l'adolescence: trop tard pour une scolarité réussie ?

Raquel Ricciardi

Supervisors: Prof. Ellen Hertz (UniNE) & Prof. Nicolas Pons-Vignon (SUPSI)
Working title: Business-NGO partnerships within India's mandatory CSR framework: Insights into the evolving role of social work

Simon Roth

Supervisors: Prof. Christos Dimitrakakis (UniNE) & Prof. Daniel Gredig (FHNW)
Working title: upcoming

Rulla Sutter
Supervisors: Prof. Barbara Waldis (UniNE) & Prof. Oliver Hümbelin (BFH)
Working title: upcoming

Carolina Toletti
Supervisors: Prof. Barbara Waldis (UniNE) & Prof. Maritza Le Breton (FHNW)
Working title : upcoming

Albulenë Ukshini Sefa
Supervisors: Prof. Barbar Waldis (UniNE) & Prof. Marc-Antoine Berthod (HETSL)
Working title: Quand les morts accompagnent les vivants dans des parcours migratoires marqués par la guerre.


Slotwinski_Michaela 185.jpg

We are excited to announce that Michaela Slotwinski has been nominated as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor (50%) in Social Work and will join the ITTS and the University of Neuchâtel in August 2024. Her research focuses on (social) policies around socially and/or economically disadvantaged groups, drawing on observational data and field experiments. She has a strong quantitative orientation and will strengthen ou profile in quantitative social policy research.


Transdisciplinary Institute of Social Work

Rue A.-L. Breguet 2

2000 Neuchâtel

Upcoming events

Writing bootcamp for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers

  • 2-4 September, 2024, 9:00-16:00
  • University of Neuchâtel
  • Registration until 10 June, 2024

Congrès international de la SSTS "Travail social et 'digitalité'"

  • 6 et 7 septembre 2024
  • FHNW Olten

11ème Festival suisse des méthodes qualitatives "'Quoi de neuf ?'": continuités et renouvellement

  • 7 et 8 novembre 2024
  • Université de Fribourg
  • Délai d'inscription : 8 septembre 2024

Scientific meeting "SOCIAL WORK AS ACTION SCIENCE. An international comparison on epistemological positions"

  • 8 November 2024, 8h30-16h
  • UniNE, A.-L. Breguet 2, room 2.310
  • Format hybrid

Save the date : Journée de la Commission scientifique du domaine Travail social de la HES-SO

  • 13 février 2025, 8h30-17h20
  • HETSL, Auditoire Pahud


Scientific Committee