Durand Jonas
PhD student
My research will focus on evolution of pathogen’s genetic diversity. I will try to answer to the question on how this polymorphism can be maintained through generations.
Teaching Responsabilities
Teaching pratical courses in statistics (third year Bachelor students) and in histology (first year Bachelor students in medical science).
Durand Jonas; Legrand Arnaud; Tort Mélodie; Thiney Alice; Michniewicz Radika J; Coulon Aurélie, Aubret Fabien. Effects of geographic isolation on anti-snakes responses in the wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. Amphibia-Reptilia, vol. 33, 2, 2012, 199-206 (8). www.ingentaconnect.com/content/brill/amre/2012/00000033/00000002/art00004