
CAS Procédure d'asile

The Universities of Bern, Neuchâtel and Fribourg, in collaboration with the Centre for Migration Law and the Institute for European Law at the University of Fribourg, are pleased to announce the next edition of their joint study programme Certificate of Advanced Studies in Asylum Procedure (CAS Asylum Procedure). Offered in German and French, the programme provides comprehensive further training in asylum procedures. The aim of the course is to gain in-depth knowledge of national and international (including European) asylum law. The study programme also allows students to acquire solid skills and knowledge in drafting legal documents as well as in the role of legal representation and communication with the authorities applying the law. The subject matter is taught by experienced teachers from the partner universities as well as by experts from court practice, administration, legal practice and civil society.

The programme is open to anyone who has completed basic legal training (MLaw) at a recognised university. Persons without legal training can be admitted to the course if they have completed initial training at a university or a recognised university of applied sciences (e.g. Bachelor, Master or licentiate) and have at least three months of professional experience in the field of asylum.


  • Début de la formation

Début de la formation: 8 novembre 2024 (en français), délai d'inscription : 30 septembre 2024

Début de la formation: 2025 en planification (en allemand), délai de candidature: en planification


  • Contact
Université de Fribourg
Institut de droit européen
CAS Procédure d’asile
Avenue Beauregard 11
CH-1700 Fribourg
Tel. : +41 26 300 80 90
Email : cas-asylum@unifr.ch