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Economic research at the Institute covers a broad range of topics and provides students with a rich source of intellectual stimulation.

  • Latest research by our members: IRENE working paper series
  • Publications by our members
  • Publishing house Economie et Société (EdES).

The Institute hosts a weekly research seminar each Friday which is open to everyone.

Examples of research projects with external funding:

  • SWEET CoSi (Co-Evolution and Coodinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society), Swiss Federal office of Energy
  • "Global climate change, food supply shocks, and conflict-induced migration", Swiss National Science Foundation, no 100018-182122
  • "Inequalities, geography and emissions, Swiss National Science Foundation, no 100014-138625
  • "Motivations for Investment in Smart Technologies and Energy Efficiency (MISTEE): the Case of Residential Buildings", Swiss Federal Office of Energy
  • "OptiRen Optimisation des rénovations énergétiques au sein d'un grand parc immobilier: une approche empirique", Innosuisse, No 19331.2 PFES-ES
  • "FLEXI 2: Détermination du potentiel de flexibilisation de la demande d'électricité", Swiss Federal Office of Energy