
INFINEED The Interplay of Feedback and Incentive Effects on Electricity Demand


This project studies how individual feedback and social comparisons can be combined with monetary incentives to influence residential electricity consumption. To study the impact of interventions, we rely on a field experiment conducted in partnership with an electricity provider. We develop a digital platform and a mobile app fed by smart meter consumption data to provide feedback based on realistic saving potentials tailored to each participating household. The experimental design relies on a goal setting task with monetary rewards and will allow us to identify a selection of policy treatment effects as well as moderating effects of energy literacy and pro-environmental values. We will moreover use a choice experiment to identify the preferences of various household types regarding sustainable actions namely conservation, efficiency investment, or adoption of green electricity. This allows us to quantify intervention effects across an inclusive range of population segments and psychological profiles.

Personnes et institutions

Requérant principal Co-requérants Collaborateur
Prof. Adrian Holzer
Institut du Management de l'Information (IMI)
Université de Neuchâtel
Prof. Sylvain Weber
Haute École de Gestion Genève
Prof. Bruno Kocher
Institut du management (IMN)
Université de Neuchâtel
Prof. Mehdi Farsi
Institut de recherches économiques (IRENE)
Université de Neuchâtel

Données administratives

  • Date début : 01.11.2022
  • Date fin : 01.02.2026
  • Montant: 308 676 CHF
  • Financement : Office fédéral de l’énergie, Programme de recherche EWG