
Information for authors

The conference languages are English and French. Presentations are given in the language used in the title and abstract. Contributors using the French language are invited to provide summaries or resources translated in English to facilitate mutual understanding.

Guidelines for individual papers

Presenters of individual papers are recommended to get to their presentation room at least 10 minutes before the start of the session.

Each presentation will be allotted a total time of 30 minutes: 20 minutes for the oral presentation and 10 minutes for questions and comments.

Chairs of individual paper sessions are expected to keep time allocation throughout the presentations, to introduce presenters by name and to facilitate the discussion.

In the case of a last-minute cancelation within a session, it is recommended that the schedule of the session remains as indicated in the conference program, in order to facilitate mobility across parallel sessions and to avoid unanticipated changes.

Guidelines for posters

A poster session will be scheduled during the conference (the conference program will be available in September).

Poster boards, associated with numbers, will be provided by the organizing committee. Poster authors are invited to display their poster on the board associated with their poster number at the beginning of the conference. Participants are expected to print and bring their own poster. There will be no facility provided by the conference organizing committee for printing posters on site.

During the poster session, authors are invited to be present near their poster, so that conference participants can meet and discuss with poster authors.

Poster format should be A0 (84x120cm), vertical setup (portrait). A poster presentation includes one single poster. We recommend that posters include: title, author’s name and affiliation, abstract (about 300 words), introduction part, methodology part, findings part, conclusion part, plus transcripts / pictures / tables and/or figures when suitable. Please bear in mind that your poster will be viewed from distances of 1,5 meters or more, so keep your poster visually attractive and chose a proper size for your lettering.

All presentation rooms are equipped with a projector, speakers, a computer (PC), a VGA cable for laptop connection, a mini-jack to plug the speakers on the laptop. Unless they use their own personal laptop, presenters are recommended to use Microsoft PowerPoint to support their talk, to ensure that it runs properly on the provided computer. All presenters are strongly advised to test their equipment in the conference room in which they will be speaking at the latest during the break preceding their session.

Presenters planning to use a Mac laptop are asked to bring their own VGA adapter.


Presenters coming from abroad are advised to bring an electric adapter / converter. European appliances are 220 v. Here is a picture of a Swiss electric plug.