Annual Ph.D. students meeting 2008
7 April 2008
Prof. Claus Wedekind (University of Lausanne) - Evolution of Human Cooperation
Dr. Charles Kleiber (Former State Secretary for Education and Research) - The Future of Research in Switzerland
Ph.D. posters and presentations
Students wanting to present their work in form of a poster during the annual meeting can submit the title and abstract in the registration form until the 4th of March 2008 or directly to Matthias Erb (matthias.erb[at]
It is mandatory for members of the doctoral program participating for the first time to the annual meeting to present a poster.
A poster prize will be awarded to the best contribution according to aesthetic and scientific criteria. The invited speakers and the head of the doctoral programme will serve as jury. We're open for suggestions for the price (at the moment we're considering a free one-way ticket to the international space station).
general information
Date: 7 April 2008
Schedule: 8.30 - 17.05 (poster hanging: 8.30-9.00, price award 17.00, closing aperitif 17.00-19.00)
Location: University of Neuchâtel, Unimail, Chemistry building (G, "Institut de chimie"), petit auditoire de chimie
Credit points: 0.5 credit point (1.0 with presentation), category: scientific activities
Evaluation: all day attendance and active participation
Information: please contact the representative of the Ph.D. students, Georg von Merey (georg.vonmerey[at] or Matthias Erb (matthias.erb[at]
Travel expenses: NCCR Ph.D. participants are eligible for reimbursement of incurred travel expenses by train (half-fare card, and 2nd class).
This meeting is mandatory to all Ph.D. students participants of the Doctoral programme "Plants and their Environment".
Registration through the web only: closed
Deadline: March 4, 2008.