
Dre Franziska Hohl Zürcher

Postdoctorante FNS
Projet de recherche Intercepter avec des interprètes dirigé par la Prof. Capus


Franziska Hohl is sociologist and postdoctoral researcher in the interdisciplinary research project „Intercepting with interpreters“ that is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (project no. 184896) and directed by Prof. Nadja Capus (Chair of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure). Within this project, she is interested in the everyday working practices of police officers and interceptive interpreters as well as the construction of case files and documents such as written evidence.

Between 2013 and 2017, Franziska Hohl worked as doctoral assistant in the research project „The changing face of criminal trial“ that was conducted at the Law faculty of the University of Basel and was also managed by Prof. Nadja Capus and funded by the SNSF (project no. 133774 and 159274). Based on this employment, her doctoral thesis was about the impact of different styles of written records of investigative interviews on the perception of the written statements by Swiss criminal law judges (accepted by the University of Bern in November 2021).

Franziska Hohl holds a Lizentiat/licence (lic. phil.) in Sociology, History and Arabic language and literaure as well as a Bachelor of Business Administration. Earlier, she was engaged in different positions at the University of Zürich, public institutions and private corporations.

Hohl Zürcher, F., & Capus, N. (forthcoming). Communicative (inter‐)action transcending the police investigative interview room. Language and Law/Linguagem e Direito.

Capus, N., & Hohl Zürcher, F. (Eds.) (2024). Negotiated Justice in Transnational Corruption - between Transparency and ConfidentialityBasel: Helbing Lichtenhahn. link

Capus, N., & Hohl ZürcherF. (2024). Revamping Anticorruption Criminal Law – The Making of (In-)Transparency. In: Capus, N. & Hohl Zürcher, F. (Eds.). Negotiated Justice in Transnational Corruption – between Transparency and Confidentiality. Basel : Helbing Lichtenhahn, pp. 15-47. link

Griebel, C., & Hohl Zürcher, F. (2023). The work of intercept interpreters in lawful communication surveillance: a daily trade-off between formal requirements and informal needs. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 74. Link.

Capus, N., Hohl Zürcher, F., & Stoll, M. (2022) Reduced statement credibility in interpreter-mediated interviews. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 29/2: 124-144. Link.

Hohl Zürcher, F. (2021). Einvernahmeprotokolle lesen: Eine wissenssoziologische Untersuchung zur Rezeption von Einvernahmeprotokollen in schweizerischen Strafverfahren. (Thesis). Bern: Universität Bern. Link.

Hohl Zürcher, F., Capus, N., & Mirjam Stoll (2017). Korrekturen in polizeilichen Vernehmungsprotokollen: Ein Risiko für die Verteidigung. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform 100: 147-160.

Capus, N., Hohl Zürcher, F., & Mundhaas, S. (2016). Physische und verbale Übergriffe auf die Polizei. Empirische Erkenntnisse zu den Viktimisierungserfahrungen der Luzerner Sicherheitspolizei. forum poenale 9/6: 357-365.

Capus, N., & Hohl Zürcher, F. (2014). Einvernahmeprotokolle: Der Stil beeinflusst die Richter. Plädoyer 32: 30-35.

(2023) Are intercept interpreters neutral translation machines or powerful language service providers? Results from a study within the legal borderlands of the secret surveillance of communication, presentation at the Socio-legal Studies Association Conference, Derry (Northern Ireland), 4th to 6th April 2023

(2022) Intercept interpreters in police communication surveillance: how many voices does law in action have in a multilingual context? (with Cornelia Griebel), presentation at the Swiss Network for Law & Society: Inaugural conference “Voices of Law”, Lausanne (Switzerland), 15./16.9.2022

(2022) Insights into interdisciplinary ethnographic research (with Cornelia Griebel), presentation at the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Collaborative Research and Writing, Neuchâtel, 5.5.2022

(2022) The work of interpreters in lawful surveillance of communication: A daily trade-off between formal requirements and informal needs (with Cornelia Griebel), presentation at the workshop for authors of the special issue "The politics of (in)formality in criminal procedures" of the International Journal of Law, Crime, and Justice, 7.3.2022

(2017) The interpreter: A disadvantage for foreign-language suspects in criminal proceedings, poster presentation at the conference of the Swiss Network for research on discrimination (SNDF/RSRD), Bern, 3.11.2017

(2016) Does lay participation in court affect the perception of statement credibility and suspect credibility? Insights from an empirical study with Swiss criminal law judges, presentation at the Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Münster (Germany), 22.9.2016

(2016) Rather a lay judge than a professional judge? Effects of legal education and judicial experience on the perception of credibility in criminal trials, presentation at the JDMx 2016 meeting (International conference for doctoral students), Basel, 10.6.2016

(2014) Impact and effects of police records in criminal law procedures (with an introduction of Nadja Capus), presentation at the Symposium "Recording in the Criminal Justice Process. Text, Sound, Image", Amsterdam (Holland), 2.12.2014