Christoph Dahl
Domaines de recherche
My research program focuses on direct behavioral assessments of data from non-human primates under controlled laboratory-like conditions in combination with computational analysis and modeling techniques that simulate the observed behavior / processes and break the findings down from unique species-specific characteristics to the common denominator which is shared among species. The goal is to combine “the naturalist's eye” for species-specific behavior with the “psychologist's eye” for the common and shared cognitive mechanisms.
Fellowship for Prospective Researchers by the Swiss National Science Foundation;
identification number PBSKB-110562., 9/ 2005 - 10/ 2007 (~32’148 USD).
Fellowship of the Janggen-Pohn Foundation, St. Gallen, Switzerland,
9/ 2005 - 10/ 2007 (~21’338 USD).
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers,
10/ 2010 - 10/ 2012 (~96’455 USD).
Ambizione Fellowship by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF),
identification number PZ00P3_154741
(600’000 CHF, ~643’000 USD) (granted: 13/08/2014).
Advanced Postdoc.Mobility by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF),
identification number P300P3_158456 (80’000 CHF, ~85’355 USD)
(granted: 11/12/2014).
Title: Computational Neuroethology.
I rejected this grant to accept the Ambizione fellowship.
Mendonça, R.S.*, C.D. Dahl*, S. Carvalho, T. Matsuzawa, and I. Adachi: Touch-screen-guided task reveals a prosocial choice tendency by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). PeerJ, 6:e5315, (2018), * contributed equally
Dahl, C.D., C. Wyss, K. Zuberbühler, and I. Bachmann: Social information in equine movement gestalts. Animal Cognition, (2018), 10.1007/s10071-018-1193-z
G Dezecache, J Grèzes, CD Dahl: The nature and distribution of affiliative behaviour during exposure to mild threat, Royal Society Open Science 4 (8), 170265 (2017)
Dezecache, G., K. Zuberbühler, M. Davila-Ross, and C. D. Dahl: Skin temperature changes in wild chimpanzees upon hearing vocalizations of conspecifics. Royal Society Open Science, 4, 160816, (2017)
Fedurek, P., K. Zuberbühler, and C. D. Dahl: Sequential information in a great ape utterance. Nature Scientific Reports, 6, 38226, (2016)
Dahl, C. D., M. J. Rasch, I. Bülthoff, and C.-C. Chen: Integration or separation in the processing of facial properties - a computational view. Nature Scientific Reports, 6, 20247, (2016)
Adachi, I. and C. D. Dahl: チンパンジーにおける概念メタファー的認知 (2015)
Dahl, C. D., C.-C. Chen and M. J. Rasch: Own-race and own species advantages in face perception: a computational view. Nature Scientific Reports, 4, 6654, (2014)
Dahl, C. D., M. J. Rasch and C.-C. Chen: The other-race and other-species effects in face perception – a subordinate-level analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1068, (2014)
Dahl, C. D., and I. Adachi: Conceptual Metaphorical Mapping in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). e-life, 2:e00932, (2013)
Dahl, C. D., M. J. Rasch, M. Tomonaga and I. Adachi: The face inversion effect in non-human primates revisited - an investigation in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Nature Scientific Reports, 3, 2504, (2013)
Dahl, C. D., M. J. Rasch, M. Tomonaga and I. Adachi: Laterality effect for faces in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Journal of Neuroscience, 33(33), 13344-13349, (2013)
Dahl, C. D., M. J. Rasch, M. Tomonaga and I. Adachi: Developmental processes in face perception. Nature Scientific Reports, 3, 1044, (2013)
Dahl, C. D., N. K. Logothetis, H. H. Bülthoff and C. Wallraven: Second-order relational manipulations affect both humans and monkeys. PLoSOne, 6(10), (2011)
Dahl, C. D., N. K. Logothetis, H. H. Bülthoff and C. Wallraven: Thatcher illusion in man and monkey. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 277, (2010)
Dahl, C. D., N. K. Logothetis and C. Kayser: Modulation of visual neurons in the superior temporal sulcus by audio-visual congruency. Frontiers integrative neuroscience,4(10), 1-8 (2010)
Dahl, C. D., N. K. Logothetis and C. Kayser: Spatial Organization of Multisensory Responses in Temporal Association Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 29(38), 11924-11932 (2009)
Dahl, C. D., C. Wallraven, H. H. Bülthoff and N. K. Logothetis: Humans and Macaques Employ Similar Face-Processing Strategies. Current Biology 19(6), 509-513 (2009)
Dahl, C. D., N. K. Logothetis and K. L. Hoffman: Individuation and holistic processing of faces in Rhesus monkeys. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 274(1622), 2069-2076 (2007)
Fischer, M. H. and C. D. Dahl: The time course of visuo-motor affordances. Experimental Brain Research 176(3), 519-524 (2006)
Skokaj, D., M. Graf, C. D. Dahl and A. Leonardis: On categorization in human and machine. Digital imaging in media and education. 28th workshop of the Austrian Association for pattern recognition (OAGM/AAPR), 245-252. (Eds.) Burger, W. and J. Scharinger, Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Wien (June 2004)