Jonathan Kissling
Domaines de recherche
1. Evolutionary botany: reproductive biology, systematics, biogeography, karyology and morphological evolution of the African genus Sebaea - Gentianaceae.
2. Biodiversity conservation - Development:. Leader of Hombori Project
3. " Ethno-botany": traditional veterinary phytotherapy in Dori region (Burkina Faso) and rarefaction of woody species in Hombori (Mali)
4. Biosafety and plant genetic resources management: Biosafety Interdisciplinary Network (RIBios)
Selected publications:
Kissling J, et al. Ethno-botanical survey of rare plants in the Hombori region (Mali), medicinal and veterinary uses.Journal of Ethnopharmacology. (in prep)
Kissling J, et al. Traditional horned cattle phytotherapy in the Dori region (Burkina Faso) breeding. (in prep)
Kissling J, Ioset JR, Marston A, Hostettmann K, 2005. Bio-guided isolation of cholinesteras inhibitors from the bulbs of Crinum X powelli. Phytotherapy research 19: 984-987. [pdf]
Marston A, Kissling J, Hostettmann K, 2002. A rapid TLC biautographic method for the detection of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors in plants. Phytochemical analysis 13: 51-54. [pdf]
see also:
In partnership with the CBD Secretariat, UNEP Biosafety Unit and the Swiss Federal Office of the Environment, we develop expertise related to the implementation of international environmental regulations.
Pharmaceutical Botany (3BT2037): 4 hours/week (download the course support here, in French)
but also, via the RIBios
Leading the "Certificate of Advandced Studies in Biosafety and Plant Genetic Ressources Management". (University of Geneva)
Leading the "Cours Interdisciplinaire en Biosecurité pour l'Afrique Francophone" (University of Bamako, ISFRA)