
Elvis Coimbra Gomes


Elvis Coimbra Gomes earned his PhD in Linguistics at Queen Mary University of London in 2021, after having received an MA degree in English (2016) and a BA degree in Film Studies at the University of Lausanne (2014). He is currently completing an MA degree in language teaching at the HEP-VD, while teaching at the English Department. In his research, Elvis applies qualitative and quantitative tools from sociolinguistics (critical discourse analysis, ethnography, corpus linguistics) on two different levels:


Focusing on sexuality and gender-related obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Elvis is interested in exploring how affected people orient in their discourse towards normative ideas of selfhood, gender, sexuality and mental health when making sense of their experience.


Elvis is also interested in understanding the different ways language and ideology get intertwined in discourse for social and political goals. For instance, he has recently explored the role of metonymy in anti-genderist discourses when framing feminist and LGBT+ groups as dangerous Others. 



2023 – MA in English Language Teaching for secondary 1 and 2 levels (Haute École Pédagogique Vaud)

2021 – PhD in Linguistics (Queen Mary University of London)

2016 – MA in English Language & Literature (University of Lausanne)

2014 – BA in Film Studies (University of Lausanne)




Introduction to Discourse Analysis (UniNe)

Introduction to English Language & Linguistics (UNIL)

Language & Sexuality (UNIL)


Introduction to Discourse Analysis (UNIL)

Introduction to English Language & Linguistics (UNIL)


Language & Health Communication (QMUL) (Teaching assistant)



Katsiveli, S., and, Coimbra-Gomes, E. (2020). Discursive constructions of the enemy through metonymy: the case of CitizenGo's anti-genderist e-petitions. Anglistica AION 24(1), 9–23.

Coimbra-Gomes, E. (2020). Ego-dystonic stance-taking in sexual orientation obsessive-compulsive disorder (SO-OCD). Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 27.

Coimbra-Gomes, E. and Motschenbacher, H. (2019). Language, normativity and sexual orientation obsessive-compulsive disorder (SO-OCD): A corpus-assisted discourse analysis. Language in Society 48(4): 565–584.



2019 – International OCD Foundation Conference studentship for outstanding research poster

2017-20 – Economic and Social Research Council PhD studentship

2017-20 – Zdenek & Michaela Bakala Foundation PhD scholarship