Engagement chercheurs, doctorants, professeurs étrangers
Your Institute’s secretary office is there to help you with administrative matters directly related to your contract. Feel free to ask questions to your reference person if you have any.
Our human resources desk gives out useful information to host Institutes for hiring foreign personnel. Procedures can vary depending on:
- Collaborator’s residence (inhabitant of a frontier zone for instance)
- Collaborator’s function (doctoral assistant, post doc, professor)
- Collaborator’s nationality (from the European Union (UE-17 + AELE), from
a new member state (UE-8 + UE-2), from a third country). The human
resources desk also has a “ check-list for foreign manpower ”. Feel free to
consult it!
Further Information
- Working in Switzerland, the Swiss Portal
- Limited and permanent residence, the Swiss Portal
- Residence, Federal Office for Migration
- Office for Migration of the canton of Neuchâtel
- Recognition of foreign academic diplomas, CRUS.ch