



Bernasconi, Gianenrico. 2020. Temps et cuisine, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles. Remarques sur les pratiques de transformation de la matière. In Material Histories of Time. Objects and Practices, 14th-19th Centuries, edited by Gianenrico Bernasconi and Susanne Thürigen, p. 173-186. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Storni, Marco. 2020. Clocks and Timekeeping in Lavoisier’s Experiments on Animal Respiration. The Chemical Revolution, Its Material Culture and Taken-for-Granted Knowledge. In Material Histories of Time. Objects and Practices, 14th-19th Centuries, edited by Gianenrico Bernasconi and Susanne Thürigen, p. 187-200. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Storni, Marco. 2020. Cartography, Geodesy, and the Heliocentric Theory: Yves Simonin’s Unpublished Papers. Centaurus 63/1, p. 192-209.

Storni, Marco. 2020. Compte rendu de : J. B. Shank, Before Voltaire. The French Origins of “Newtonian” Mechanics, 1680-1715 (Chicago-London: The University of Chicago Press, 2018), Centaurus 62 (3), p. 581-583.




Bernasconi, Gianenrico. 2019. Pour une archéologie des pratiques. Mesure du temps, corps et prestation (XVIIIe-XXe siècle). Socio-anthropologie 40, p. 247-262.

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