
Stefan Manser-Egli

Doctoral researcher

Stefan Manser-Egli is a doctoral researcher and teaching assistant at the Maison d’analyse des processus sociaux (MAPS) at the University of Neuchâtel. He holds a Bachelor degree in International Relations from the University of Geneva and a Master degree in Political, Legal and Economic Philosophy (PLEP) and Gender Studies from the University of Bern.

His PhD thesis inquires into what has been called ‘boundary liberalism’, ‘repressive liberalism’ and ‘illiberal’ or ‘Schmittian liberalism’. These concepts refer to the fact that the extent to which immigrants are believed to have acceptably liberal values has become a site of boundary making in Western Europe with ‘integration’ increasingly being predicated on the adoption of liberal-democratic norms and practices and assumptions underpinning liberal personhood. From a historical, social science and political philosophy perspective, the aim of this thesis is thus to empirically work out social imaginaries of ‘liberalism’ and ‘society’ behind the boundary making in the name of ‘integration’.


Manser-Egli, Stefan. 2024. 'Il/liberal Integrationism. A Contradiction in Terms: Respecting the Values of the Constitution as an Integration Requirement in Switzerland'. PhD Thesis. https://doi.org/10.35662/unine-thesis-3117.

Manser-Egli, Stefan. 2024. 'Demokratie statt Integration'. In Argumentarium für ein neues Bürgerrecht, S. Baier, T. Cardoso, K. Espahangizi, S. King-Savić & B. von Rütte (eds.). Bern: Institut Neue Schweiz INES.

Manser-Egli, Stefan. 2023. 'Respecting the Values of the Constitution: Integration in the Community of Value(s)'. Frontiers in Political Science 5 (March): 1124552. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpos.2023.1124552.

Dahinden, Janine, and Stefan Manser-Egli. 2023. ‘Gendernativism and Liberal Subjecthood: The Cases of Forced Marriage and the Burqa Ban in Switzerland’. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 30 (1): 140–63. https://doi.org/10.1093/sp/jxab053.

Manser-Egli, Stefan. 2022. 'Liberalismus als Kulturkampf: Integration in die Wertegemeinschaft'. In “Gelungene Integration” - Ethische und rechtliche Perspektiven, ed. Lando Kirchmair, Gottfried Schweiger, 111-128. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.

Lutz, Philipp, Anna Stünzi, and Stefan Manser-Egli. 2021. 'Responsibility-Sharing in Refugee Protection: Lessons from Climate Governance'. International Studies Quarterly 65 (2): 476–487. https://doi.org/10.1093/isq/sqab016.

Manser-Egli, Stefan. 2020. 'Von ungeteilter Macht und unhinterfragter Hochwohlgeborenheit'. In Macht direkte Demokratie, Stiftung für direkte Demokratie (ed.). Kölliken: buch & netz.


Université de Neuchâtel
Maison d’analyse des processus sociaux (MAPS)
Rue A.-L. Breguet 1
CH-2000 Neuchâtel
Bureau 306.1 (3ème étage)
Tél. +41 32 718 14 53
