
Noémie Treichel



Poste doctorante FNS

Institut des sciences de la communication et de la cognition

Rue Pierre-à-Mazel 7
2000 Neuchâtel

Bureau 212


Projets actuels

Post-doc dans le cadre du projet SNSF Eccellenza “Pragmatics meets epistemic vigilance: Explaining the development of irony comprehension” de la Prof. Diana Mazzarella.


Intérêts de recherche:

  • Pragmatique expérimentale
  • Psychologie expérimentale
  • Psychologie développementale et clinique
  • Humour et ironie
  • Troubles du spectre autistique, syndrome de Williams



2018 – 2023       Doctorante FNS en Pédagogie spécialisée, Université de Fribourg. Supervision: Andrea Samson. Thèse: Humor in neurodevelopmental conditions. Cognitive competencies, individuals characteristics, and expressivity in relation to humor in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and Williams syndrome. Projet FNS: The Differential Roles of Positive Emotions and Emotion Regulation for Socio-Emotional Processes in Individuals with and without Developmental Disabilities. École doctorale : Swiss Doctoral School, Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives (CISA), Université de Genève.

2015 – 2018       Master en Sciences cognitives, Université de Neuchâtel (CH)

2011 – 2014       Bachelor en Travail social & politiques sociales et Sociologie, Université de Fribourg (CH)


Enseignement et supervision:

2018 – 2020       Assistante de supervision de mémoires de Master Université de Genève, Master en Psychologie orientation psychologie affective. Avec Prof. A. Samson et Prof. D. Sander

2019 – 2021       Co-supervision de travaux de bachelor Université de Fribourg, Bachelor en Education Spécialisée Avec Prof. A. Samson et Prof. N. Ruffieux

2020      Cours bloc, Université de Fribourg, Master en Éducation Spécialisée sur l’humour dans les troubles du développement, dans le cadre du cours «Développement et déficiences I »



Treichel, N., Dukes, D., Barisnikov, K., & Samson, A. C. (2023). Appreciation of slapstick humour and expressivity in response to amusement in individuals with Williams syndrome. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

Treichel, N. (2023). Humor styles in neurodevelopmental conditions and their relation to social, emotional, and behavioral strengths and difficulties. [Manuscript submitted for publication]

Di Poi, G., Dukes, D., Meuleman, B., Banta Lavenex, P., Lavenex, P., Papon, A., Tran, M., Stallmann, L., Treichel, N., & Samson, A. C. (2023) Anxiety in families of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1-17.

Treichel, N., Dukes, D., Van Herwegen, J., & Samson, A. C. (2023). “Not in the mood”: The fear of being laughed at is better predicted by humor temperament traits than diagnosis in neurodevelopmental conditions. Research in Developmental Disorders, 137.

Treichel, N., Dukes, D., Barisnikov, K., & Samson, A. C. (2022). How cognitive, social, and emotional profiles impact humor appreciation: sense of humor in autism spectrum disorder and Williams syndrome. HUMOR, 35(1), 113-133.

Non peer-reviewed et pre-prints

Treichel N. (2022). Rapport à l’humour et trouble du spectre autistique. ActualitéSociale (Août 2022).

Dukes, D., Van Herwegen, J., Alessandri, M., Alnemary, F., Rad, J. A., Lavenex, P. B., … Samson, A. C. (2021). Introducing the COVID-19 crisis Special Education Needs Coping Survey. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/rtswa



Treichel, N., Hennig, R., Kinany, N., Cristian, F.-B., The Cell. [Court-métrage] Jury prize for best movie. SciFilmIt Hackathon. Geneva (CH), 26. September 2021.

Treichel, N. Best Poster Presentation. «Don’t laugh at me!» Risk factors for gelotophobia in neurodevelopmental disorders. Annual Research Forum. Centre Interfacultaire de Sciences Affectives. Geneva, 05 February 2020.

Treichel, N. Best Short Talk. The influence of cognitive, social and emotional phenotypes on the sense of humor: the case of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Williams syndrome. Swiss Psychological Society. Bern, 11 September 2019.