
Germanier, Elisabeth


Université de Neuchâtel
Institut de Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations
2e étage, bureau E225
Rue Emile-Argand 11

CH-2000 Neuchâtel

E-mail : elisabeth.germanier@unine.ch


Since 2020 Ph.D Student in Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Neuchâtel; under the supervision of Prof. A. Bangerter
2020 M.Sc. in Cognitive Science magna cum laude, University of Neuchâtel
2018 BA German and Slavic Studies, University of Lausanne

Professional experience

2020 Student assistant, University of Neuchâtel
2018 Co-editor of the Journal “La Route du Tchaï”, University of Lausanne

Research interests

  • Applicants' communication in selection interviews
  • Emotions in selection interview and their impact on performance rating
  • Communication psychology
  • Social cognition