
Comparative Cognition

In 1871, Charles Darwin wrote that there are no fundamental differences in mental abilities between humans and higher mammals. In recent decades, this claim has driven empirical research which has further supported Darwin's hypothesis. However, mental capacities are particularly difficult to study and little progress has been achieved until recent times.

One main objective of the Comparative Cognition Group is to explore and understand the biological origins of different mechanisms involved in language and culture. Research includes all types of primates, but focuses primarily on non-human primates in their natural habitats in an effort to explicate the evolutionary origins of a range of cognitive processes.


 © Florian Moellers



Communiqué de presse 

La politesse, c'est tendance chez les singes


New PhD Position on Wild Chimpanzee Cognition


Current opinion in Behavioural Sciences:
The Evolution of Language


Horizons: "Touch screens in the cage"


"If you could talk to the animals", the science behind animal communication, PRI


Trait d'Union: Chimpanzés: copier la mère, même pour les jeux


Article et Vidéo: "Chimps Tailor Alarms to What Other Chimps Know", The New York Times


Vidéo: Rencontre avec 4 doctorantes du Laboratoire de cognition comparée de l’Université de Neuchâtel
Canal Alpha Minimag "Si tu me comprends pas, regarde mon singe!"


Uni News en anglais:
"The social life of monkeys"


New Scientist:
Bonobos know when others are being treated unfairly - and react