
Academic Conversation & Pronunciation

Practical Information

  • Teacher:           Suzana Zink
  • Level:               B2+-C1
  • Classroom:     D59
  • Address:          Av. du 1er-Mars 26
  • Time:                Thursday, 12:15pm - 1:45pm
  • Dates:               19 September to 19 December 2024
  • Credits :           3 ECTS
  • Price:               Students/doctoral students UniNE; PATB : CHF 182.-
                             Academic staff UniNE: CHF 234.-
                             Alumni, SAN : CHF 254.-
                             Students other institutions (EPFL, HE-Arc, etc.): CHF 254.-
                             Staff other institutions: CHF 306.-

Undergraduate and graduate students with an intermediate level of English (B2) who wish to improve their speaking skills and gain a better understanding of English pronunciation.

There are no special entry requirements except for the students’ level of English (see ‘Target audience’). If you are not sure of your level, you can check the evaluation forms on our page “Enseignement.”

You will be asked to come to the EMA before the beginning of the semester to take a "Placement Test".

By the end of the course, successful students will be able to:

  • express their views on a variety of topics
  • master some of the vocabulary needed to engage in conversation on various topics
  • give a short presentation on a given topic
  • identify the different sounds of English
  • recognise phonemic symbols and make occasional use of phonetic transcription
  • demonstrate a greater awareness of problem areas such as word stress, silent letters, minimal pairs and connected speech.

Class work will consist in a variety of exercises including reading, vocabulary and speaking activities, with an emphasis on oral communication. Pronunciation practice will focus on the sounds of English, elements of word stress, connected speech as well as a number of problem areas (including silent-letter words, minimal pairs, homonyms and homophones).

To be awarded 3 ECTS credits for the course, students have to meet the following requirements:

  • Regular attendance (no more than three absences per semester)
  • Completion of weekly assignments
  • One oral presentation
  • One end-of-semester assignment (recording)

Please note that the recognition of these credits by the student's own Faculty falls outside the remit of the Centre de langues.

The course material will be distributed in class. Students will be required to contribute CHF 10.- towards the cost of photocopying.




Registrations are open until 27 September

English Tutorial

English tutorials are held 4 hours/week during the semester

Tuesday : 17h00 - 19h00
Thursday : 12h00 - 14h00